Last week, the Olympic Torch came to Hong Kong. My school cancelled lessons and held a Torch Relay in the gym hall (it was meant to be outside but the weather was too damp). Some students in each form class had built their own interpretation of the Olympic Torch, and then 8 more students were the relay team that took part in the race. Everyone was issued with a China or Hong Kong flag to wave during the event, but the message from the teachers was (according to our headmaster's translation!) that you can be proud to be Chinese without being proud of everything the Chinese goverment does.
National flag waving
To celebrate this momentous occasion... here are some photographs of Olympic Madness in Hong Kong!
Torches made by the students
Fuwa on the waterfront - The Olympic Mascots
I've also been on a little trip to Guangzhou but you'll have to wait till later for that update as I've got people coming over to my flat in about 10 mins. We're going to order in pizza and have a girly evening, almost like I used to do with my uni flatmates, but without the Charmed and Sex in the City DVDs!!
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