Friday, 21 December 2007

Off again!

I'm off to Borneo today. Quite scared as me and Rachel have booked everything online, a little haphazardly, so it'll be interesting to see if all our plans actually work out. It seems very strange to be leaving Hong Kong for a holiday when I still quite often feel completely confused and foreign in Hong Kong!

The last week of school was quite fun. We had a Speech Competition where the kids were given a topic and then had to stand up and try to talk about it for a minute without any preparation time. The students who took part did really well so I feel like maybe me and Rich have made a small difference to their confidence, if nothing else. We also had to do our own performance in front of the school yesterday. It was Christmas Activity Day and we were asked to do half an hour on 'Introducing the Western Ways of Celebrating Christmas.' We did a little powerpoint presentation with lots of pictures of Christmas decorations and lots of talk about Christmas lunch, and then we taught them to sing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer! I'm sure the school took photos of me singing and Rich strumming his guitar like a little folk band, so I'll try and upload one after the holidays.

I don't know if I'll get a chance to get online whilst I'm travelling so for now...


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