Thursday 17 January 2008

Life as usual

It's cold in Hong Kong. I've been layering up my clothes as much as possible but I'm tempted to buy one of the big padded coats that all the locals wear, there's something psychologically warming about a big padded jacket! It's not really any colder than autumn in Britain, but there's no heating here so you need to keep your layers on inside as well as out. Luckily I have my woolly hat, scarf and gloves from my mountain climbing.

Not much has been going on so far this month. Rehearsals for Anything Goes are trudging onwards. We've finally finished learning the 8-pages of tap-dance break, but that just means we have to practise it! School is a bit quiet because the kids have their end of term 1 exams next week and the teachers are all busy cramming in extra revision sessions and proofreading papers.

I've not even been out exploring recently. Perhaps after the new and exciting-ness of Borneo, Hong Kong feels a bit like home now. I've been spending my free time going to cinemas, having dinner with people I've not seen all holidays and doing a bit of shopping (more clothes to layer up in the cold!). I've got half days next week though as the kids have exams, so maybe I'll try to be more adventurous.

Over and out!

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